--As of January 12, 2007 7:08:18 PM -0600, Shane Williams is alleged to have said:

System is Darwin, running Postfix.  The sign-up message for this list got
those rules triggered.  (_Everything_ triggers them.)

This is just a guess, but is it possible that OS X's use of carriage
returns is making the message look to spamassassin as if it's a single
line of text?

--As for the rest, it is mine.

I said Darwin, not OS X, though I recognize it is a small distinction.  ;)

The mail files are all saved to my Maildir folders with unix line endings. In general Darwin handles files in the format it receives them, and unix-tools create unix-files.

...But it does raise the question of what _Perl_ thinks the line endings is... Hmm.

Daniel T. Staal

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