K. asked:
>A while ago I implemented graylisting, which works quite well. But since 2 
>days ago I'm seeing loads of mails which are passing by the greylisting 
>(so they are being sent again by a "real" mailserver).
>Anybody knows if there is a new windows virus on the loose that retries to 
>deliver mails? The mails are coming from all kinds of hosts, all kinds of 
>countries but mostly from dialup or adsl accounts (so, not 
>hijacked corporate mailservers).

I've noticed a recent jump in the number of Nigeria/419 & lottery scams. 
These are often sent via mailservers  which will easily bypass graylisting 
due to retries.

Also, in general, these are also among the most difficult types of spams 
to catch.

Rob McEwen
PowerView Systems

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