Rick Cooper wrote:
I don't know what his reason is but had I attempted to send mail to your
server last Friday I could easily have ended up hitting one of your higher
MXs. I had a problem with Verizon where I would loose my connection for
seconds to a min and everything would be fine for seconds to a min or two.
This went on for hours, it was like someone flicking a light switch. If exim
couldn't connect to your lower mx servers during one of these episodes it
would have rolled up the list as it should since Verizon has yet to inform
my mail server they are having transient network problems and to consider
any connection issues to be temporary and please try again.


Rick, it does take multiple hits to get listed and I did add code that if you hit all the high ones in sucession that it only counts as one. However, having said that, this is experimental and there's a possibility that it's just not going to work. I do believe that there's information to be had by looking at hosts who hit high numbered MX records when low numbered MX servers are available. I'm just trying to figure out how to extract this information.

So - I ask the question - I think we can all agree that there's information to be had. How do we extract this in a useful form an avoid false positives?

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