Patman wrote:
Question, what I would like to do, is filter incoming traffic on port 110,
with a spamassassin server.  Our organization is provided email by an
outside provider, as a service for doing our web page.  What I would like to
know is if SpamAssassin can be configured to go between my Cisco Pix box and
say the network to filter port 110 for spam?  Or does SpamAassassin have to
be the IP that port 110 is routed to?  I have used SpamAssassin on a in
house email server but never as I am attempting.  Can it be done and how?

Not sure about a dedicated server, but I know some email clients (KMail, for instance) have the ability to filter mail through SpamAssassin as they download it via POP.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications <>

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