
> That example content will NOT happen from the configuration you quoted.
> In fact, that example CANNOT be made to happen in SA without
> considerable effort. Period.
> Something other than SpamAssassin is generating your headers.

How can I check it then?

# ps ax |grep spamd
70930  ??  Ss     1:01.50 /usr/local/bin/spamd -c -Q -d -r
81093  ??  I      0:04.48 spamd child (perl5.8.8)
84208  ??  I      0:09.40 spamd child (perl5.8.8)

# ps ax |grep spamc
81629  p0  S+     0:00.00 grep spamc

# spamd -V
SpamAssassin Server version 3.2.3
  running on Perl 5.8.8
  with SSL support (IO::Socket::SSL 1.07)
  with zlib support (Compress::Zlib 2.004)

Many thanks in advance!

Zbigniew Szalbot

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