On Monday 27 August 2007 21:54, Marc Perkel wrote:
> Magnus Holmgren wrote:
> > SPF does not in itself break email forwarding. SPF tells MTAs where mail
> > with certain senders may originate from. It's their job to know if the
> > recipient forwards mail from the connecting host. It can be tricky, but
> > it's not impossible in principle. Applying SPF without thinking is
> > incompetent and will cause false positives.
> Yes it does break email forwarding because if you have restrictive SPF
> and it gets forwarded then the forwarding server isn't a valid server.
> Thus if the receiving server enforces SPF rules then it bounces the
> forwared message.

That's precisely "applying SPF without thinking". Anyone who does that should 
be fired, nuked or something worse.

Magnus Holmgren        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                       (No Cc of list mail needed, thanks)

  "Exim is better at being younger, whereas sendmail is better for 
   Scrabble (50 point bonus for clearing your rack)" -- Dave Evans

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