Richard Hobbs wrote:

To add information to this problem, it appears that spamd does
eventually give up after 5 minutes - which then bounces the message back
to the sender stating:

  421 SMTP incoming data timeout - message abandoned

Obviously, this cannot keep happening, but i don't know how to stop it...

Any advice greatly appreciated.

Thanks again,

Hi, I have had exactly the same problem as you, with about the very same setup as you!
The problem where actually a TCP problem, and not a SpamAssassin problem!
From a bunch of TCPDUMPs from my side and a good partner side, we did finaly track down the problem to TCP_WINDOW_SCALING, which is set to 1 (True) on Debian, which seems to give a problem
to Exim. My solution for the problem was to set this parameter to 0 (false)
Easiest done by
echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_window_scaling

And further on, this seems to be a problem mostly against old versions of Sendmail, when they
where sending to us, and had some kind of attachment in the email as well!
(I don't really know where the bug is, if it is in Exim or TCP, I found a solution and is pleased with that)

Hope this helps you out, a bit of topic though!

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