Matthias Leisi wrote:
Amavisd uses the SpamAssassin Perl module directly (ie not really spamc
or spamd).

For a high-volume site, amavisd has advantages if you want to do
additional checks besides SA (eg virus checking). If you only want to
run SA, you could avoid the overhead of amavisd.
Ok. I understand this side of things, and we're not going to be able to ditch amavisd due to our virus filtering setup.

I'm more concerned about the overhead of calling spamassassin over and over from within amavis. Some suggest three or four times better performance using spamc/d over calling the spamassassin command directly (which is (i believe) what amavis does). Being able to handle substantially more messages would help us quite a bit as our incoming mail volume is rapidly on the rise.

If I've got loadplugin commands in my various custom .cf files, will these be properly heeded by spamd?

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