
I agree and have for a long time.  I am always a little taken aback
when an "unsubscriber" get hammered with sarcasm on this list...

Plus, I have always "assembled first and read the directions later"...
especially on Christmas Eve, when the pressure is on!  It's human
nature... but, then, so is sarcasm, I guess... at lease in my case it

I can't understand why anyone would want to unsubscribe anyway!  Maybe
that's where we should poke fun; <with a hearty laugh> "YOU WANT TO DO


>>> Bob Proulx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/12/2007 12:46 PM >>>
Nigel Frankcom wrote:
> I am amazed at the number of list users that unsubscribe from an
> spam list and yet they fail to look at the headers of the mails they
> receive

Yes and no.  It is a technical list for an anti-spam tool and so you
would think would be comprised of people who know how email works.

But on the other hand people all over the world are overwhelmed with
spam and turn to anti-spam tools and their discussion lists to help.
Those are the ones who do not know how email works and are also
attracted to the same lists out of the misunderstanding.


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