Steve Ingraham wrote:
> I just wanted to add my agreement to your statements and to ask that
> some posters try to treat all of us asking these supposedly "stupid"
> questions to understand that we really do struggle with
> understanding how all of these systems function.

I see a lot of silly questions asked about SpamAssassin and I think
for the most part people are kind and helpful answering them.  I think
most people are excited to see SpamAssassin adopted and used in
interesting ways and are willing to help out.

I think the friction between people starts when discussion turns to
things not-SpamAssassin.  These are often concerning the basic
infrastructure things such as email and mailing lists.  Since email is
a basic structure that enables people to work together on the Internet
there is some expectation that people will use it at least somewhat
effectively.  Think of how disruptive it would be to a university
level calculus lecture if it were frequently interrupted with basic
math questions about 2+2 or with off-topic questions about chemistry.

In this case it is surprising to me that people subscribe successfully
to a mailing list but then can't unsubscribe from it.  Why wouldn't
they simply unsubscribe the same way that they subscribed?  I don't
know.  But we have all seen this happen repeatedly.  It is very

I think with all of the off-topic discussions lately the mailing list
would gladly welcome silly SpamAssassin questions!  Please bring them
on! :-)


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