On Thu, 18 Oct 2007 00:16:06 +0200, mouss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Rob Sterenborg wrote:
>> Steve Ingraham wrote:
>>> I cannot help but comment on this post.
>> Neither can I.
>>> I am one of those ignorant people that is subscribed to this list
>>> (along with several others) for the purpose of asking questions of
>>> you experts out there because I do not fully understand how it is
>>> working.  By all accounts everyone of you out there would label me
>>> as a novice.  The truth of the matter is I am a novice.  As the
>>> saying goes; "I know enough about this stuff to be dangerous". 
>> Sorry, but this is the SpamAssassin list and the subject has nothing to
>> do with "how it's working". If the OP had a question about "how it's
>> working", he'd get an answer - I'm quite sure of that and I think you
>> know that.
>> This specific thread has become a rant because the OP did not show that
>> he searched for himself first on how to do something simple: unsubscribe
>> from this list. If he put the least effort in finding information on how
>> to do that (how hard can it be to just go to the SA website and click
>> "Lists" to find the info?), he wouldn't have sent the email that started
>> all this.
>A lot of people don't see the difference between [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (replace "owner" by "unsubscribe", "admin',
>'request", ... depending on the list). They think these are the same
>addresses. you can't blame them, really.
><nasty idea>
>for someone to post, he must subscribe, then unsubscribe, then
>resubscribe. only then can he post a message. Unfortunately, even this
>won't work (besides annoying us with an N steps procedure) as people
>will anyway forget...
>I have already seen message saying "Please help me unsubscribe from your
>group...blah blah", and this was a reply to to group message, which
>signature contains the procedure to unsubscribe! (so if the guy just
>read the message before hitting the send button...). In short, he quoted
>a message that responds to his question.
>but if people were to search for information effectively, they wouldn't
>buy from spammers, and that alone would reduce spam!
>>> What I would like to say by posting this is; why don't all you experts
>>> out there relax a bit?  I, for one, acknowledge your superiority over
>> me
>>> in this spam stuff.
>> I don't think this has anything to do with anyones "superiority in this
>> spam stuff" (certainly not mine as I'm not). This has something to do
>> with willing to take the effort and finding things out for yourself
>> instead of just doing something and bother others with it (well, in this
>> case it would be "bother" I suppose).

Having started this in the 1st place by questioning why users  didn't
check the headers, I'd like to apologise to anyone who's taken
offence. My comment was just that, a comment.

Several of the responses have been of the 'we use it for quick help'
variety; which is fine and something I personally have no problem

For it to get blown up to this proportion seems a little over the top
all things considered. 

So, for any that took offence from my post, again, I apologise. 

I still think checking mail headers is a basic part of manual mail
checking but hey, I guess others feel differently.

Live and let live.



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