JP Kelly wrote the following on 10/21/2007 11:41 AM -0800:
> this looks interesting to me as well
> i am a little confused about how to use/install it
> on the page you provided a link to it says under "USAGE" to "add the
> following to your file"
> ------------
> loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URICountry
> uricountry      URICOUNTRY_XX   XX
> header          URICOUNTRY_XX   eval:check_uricountry('URICOUNTRY_XX')
> describe        URICOUNTRY_XX   Contains a URI hosted in XX
> tflags          URICOUNTRY_XX   net
> score URICOUNTRY_XX 2.0
> ------------
> Where XX is replaced with the 2 character country code of your choice.
> (e.g. CN, KR, RO, RU, IN etc.)
> that makes sense to me but after that it says "THE CODE" followed by a
> bunch of code.
> i am unclear on what needs to be done with this code.
> any light shed on this will be greatly appreciated.
"THE CODE" will go into a file named "" and placed in the
same directory as your file (usually /etc/mail/spamassassin/). 
As for the rules, I prefer to create a separate .cf file for them rather
than place them in (e.g.,, but that is simply a
matter of personal preference - I just like to keep my clean of
any rules and only use it for configuration settings.

I disagree with placing the "loadplugin" line in the cf file.  The
proper place for this entry is in init.pre so that it gets loaded before
any rulesets, and can be referenced as:

loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URICountry

Also, at the top of your ruleset you should add:

    ifplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URICountry

and at the end:


For example:
ifplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URICountry

uricountry      URICOUNTRY_CN   CN
header          URICOUNTRY_CN   eval:check_uricountry('URICOUNTRY_CN')
describe        URICOUNTRY_CN   Contains a URI hosted in China
tflags          URICOUNTRY_CN   net
score           URICOUNTRY_CN   2.5

uricountry      URICOUNTRY_HK   HK
header          URICOUNTRY_HK   eval:check_uricountry('URICOUNTRY_HK')
describe        URICOUNTRY_HK   Contains a URI hosted in Hong Kong
tflags          URICOUNTRY_HK   net
score           URICOUNTRY_HK   2.5

uricountry      URICOUNTRY_IN   IN
header          URICOUNTRY_IN   eval:check_uricountry('URICOUNTRY_IN')
describe        URICOUNTRY_IN   Contains a URI hosted in India
tflags          URICOUNTRY_IN   net
score           URICOUNTRY_IN   2.5


This will allow you to comment out the URICourntry "loadplugin" line in
your init.pre file if you should want to disable the URICourntry test
without having to remove the file (it will not load the
ruleset unless the plugin has been pre-loaded).


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