On Thu, 2007-10-25 at 03:13 -0400, Dan Mahoney, System Admin wrote:
> On Wed, 17 Oct 2007, ram wrote:
> > Sorry I meant "like spamcop" .. I think I must proof-read my own mail
> > now before Ctrl-Enter :-)
> The problem with SpamCop is: the two step reporting process makes things a 
> bear to do.  I understand the logic behind it, but once or twice I've 
> taken a couple hundred spam emails and spamassassin -r'd it...annoying as 
> hell.
But people still report to spamcop. And you must agree spamcop has got
*much* better now. 

If DNSWL has an automated reporting system like that I can vouch I will
myself use such a reporting system without hassles. Especially because I
would not like the excellent idea of DNSWL to fail 

> I'd like it if they open-sourced their analysis engine so people could use 
> it to report spam privately, but I know it's not happening.

I know we opensource guys despise anything that is not. Anyway that is
not rocket science , it seems pretty straightforward to use one of our

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