As part of my efforts to track and control spam, I bought a domain and
created a unique alias to give to every distinct company with which I
do business.  For example, the address I gave to my bank might be
[EMAIL PROTECTED], while the one I gave to an online bookseller

I hope to use this to cut down on spam and phishing attempts, because
I could identify legitimate mail by virtue of having the correct
sender address (or at least domain) and recipient. That is, mail from
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] is very likely mail
from my bank, but mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED] to that same address
is not.  Likewise, mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED] to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
is invalid.

Is there any way to set up spamassassin rules to mark messages on this
basis?  Apologies in advance if this has come up before, but I had a
hard time thinking of keywords to search the archives.

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