Thanks, Matt.  That seems to be the type of rule what I was looking for.

On Nov 26, 2007 8:02 AM, Matt Kettler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The following greylist.conf would do what you want:
> -----------------------
> acl whitelist from [EMAIL PROTECTED] rcpt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> acl blacklist rcpt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> acl whitelist default
> -----------------------
> Since the rules get applied in-order and the first match wins, the first
> rule will allow mail from your bank, while the second will 5xx anything
> else sent to that address.
> There's even examples of combining from and rcpt into a single
> statement, and if you want to could tack on domain or addr to restrict
> the hostname or IP address of the sending server.
> If you wanted to make it work for "anyone" at you can switch
> to a regex for the from part:
> acl whitelist from /@mybank\.com/ rcpt [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tom Wheeler

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