Well, the problem is that if you run at MTA time, you can't really do per-user

"spamc -u" will work, if there's only 1 user.  it won't work with multiple
users, such as when there are several recipients for a single message, unless
you can get the MTA to split the message up into multiple messages, but that
is problematic/has pros+cons assuming the MTA will even let you do it.

So in short, if you want per-user configs, switch to running SA at the MDA
(procmail, maildrop, etc.)

On Mon, Jan 07, 2008 at 10:29:43PM +0100, mouss wrote:
> David.Sharpe wrote:
> > Within postfix/master.cf I have the following lines :
> >
> > smtp      inet  n       -       -       -       -       smtpd
> >           -o content_filter=spamassassin
> >
> >
> > This pushes mail through the following lines :
> >
> > spamassassin unix -     n       n       -       -       pipe
> >         user=nobody argv=/usr/bin/spamc -f -e
> >         /usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -f ${sender} ${recipient}
> >
> >
> > Hope this is what you were after...
> >   
> so you need to pass the user to spamc (-u ${user} for example).

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