Mark Johnson wrote:
Marc Perkel wrote:

I'm using Exim and I have it listening on several IP addresses. If you aren't using Exim then you'll have to get someone to help you.

defer    condition = ${if match{$interface_address}{}}

You could just point it to a dead IP address which is the simple way to do it.

I'll try it this way. I'd like to be able to log the connection attempts to see what's going on. It sounds like you run a number of servers. What are you doing to combine your logging information?

Thanks for the advice!

I have a main primary server that has the primary MX and all bogus MX. SA and MySQL are on separate servers. I also have 4 other backup servers 3 separate locations that handle load spikes and process email should the main colo die for some reason. So I have a bogus level, a primary level, a ring of secondary backup servers and a bunch of high numbered bogus MX records.

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