On Mon, 22 Sep 2008, Marc Perkel wrote:

McDonald, Dan wrote:
On Mon, 2008-09-22 at 15:44 -0700, Marc Perkel wrote:

Ken A wrote:

Marc Perkel wrote:

I don't know how this will work but I'm building the data now. For those of you who are familiar with Day old bread lists to detect new domains, as you know there's a lag time in the data and they often don't have data from all the registries. So - here's a different solution.

What I'm thinking is to accumulate every domain name that interacts with my system and storing it in a list. Eventually after a week or so I should have a good list. Then the idea is to do a lookup to see if a new domain is NOT on the list. This will catch all really new domains, but will have some false positives. But - if it is mixed with other conditionals it might be a good way to detect and block spam from or linking to tasting domains.

So, If for years I send mail to hundreds of people in my county, but
never anything to your spamtraps or your legitimate mail, and then one
day I decide to send you a single piece of mail, you will blacklist me
as DOB?

No - that's not how it works. Being a stranger to the list doesn't get you blacklisted. It's just a factor that when combined with other factors indicates it's spam. And generally URI spam. I'm just using this as a way to discover new domains by what's not on a list as opposed to what is on a list.

And I don't yet know if it will work. I'm still building the list. I just wanted to throw the concept out there and see if it sparks innovation. It might turn out to be a dead end.

So, what about doing a whois query and 'grep' for the setup date? You theoretically could then just append that date to the domain name, and have something to cross-reference...

     _/  _/      _/      _/_/_/       ____________   __o
    _/ _/       _/      _/    _/     ____________  _-\\<._
   _/_/        _/      _/_/_/                     (_)/ (_)
  _/ _/       _/      _/           ......................
 _/   _/ arl _/_/_/  _/ earson    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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