On 7 Nov 2008, at 04:33, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:

On 07.11.08 04:02, Neil wrote:
Is there a way to check if SPFs and DKIMs are being checked by

Here is, I believe, the relevant spamassassin -D --lint output as far
as modules go:
[19018] dbg: dns: is Net::DNS::Resolver available? yes
[19018] dbg: dns: Net::DNS version: 0.63
[19018] dbg: diag: module not installed: Mail::SPF ('require' failed)
[19018] dbg: diag: module installed: Mail::SPF::Query, version 1.999001
[19018] dbg: diag: module installed: Mail::DomainKeys, version 1.0
[19018] dbg: diag: module installed: Mail::DKIM, version 0.31

My understanding is Mail::SPF is not needed if you have
Mail::SPF::Query installed.

Yes. It's also pointless imho to ise DomainKeys and DKIM both, DKIM is
preferred afaik.

Well, I have them both to for when other people use one or the other; currently I'm not using either on outbound.

I've not seen any sign of SPF or DKIM (or DomainKeys) checks, neither
in any of my spam reports (and I've been checking just about every
spam recently) nor in debug output when I've run specific spams
through spamassassin manually.

Did you enable network checks?

I think so; I'm seeing DNSBLs, etc. in my scores.


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