> Um, that's a file that comes with SA, and it is *NOT* user editable.
> Therefore, it's not an example, it is a standard config file 
> that generates the default settings that you later over-ride 
> with your local.cf.
> The 3.2.5 installation tarball will install the version of 
> this file that is appropriate for 3.2.5, and sa-update may update it.


i am not seeing that file anywhere in my install and i am quite capable of
using the locate command etc...

i am fairly certain i hand generated and installed via rpm generated by

rpm -tb sa-tarballname.whateveritwas.somethingsomething

something like that.

on a centos aka redhat clone

the misc_10.cf file looks pretty editable to me in some respects.

i wouldnt have even have asked if i had not gone to

spamassassin.apache.org and then clicked on "downloads" and on that page it

System Administrators
Please create a local copy of the report_template text in a file named
something like /etc/mail/spamassassin/10_local_report.cf, and modify it to
provide your tech support desk's contact information, instead of the
default. Otherwise your users will be confused, and some may ultimately
contact the SpamAssassin development team, which is not appreciated; we
cannot help them with whitelisting/blacklisting/customisation of settings at
your site, after all. The default report text can be found in the file

so, i searched for 10_misc.cf so that i could consider and generate a


 - rh

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