IPv6 will not banish NAT. It's too useful for other purposes.

On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 9:43 AM, Martin Gregorie <mar...@gregorie.org> wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-02-13 at 18:01 +0100, Benny Pedersen wrote:
>> On Thu, February 12, 2009 19:29, John Hardin wrote:
>> > Ultimately that's what you have to do. The only way to automatically
>> > filter 100% of spam is to unplug your MTA from the 'net.
>> unless one implement policyd to whitelist known senders and greylist
>> the rest and or whois sender ip and or sender domain, shame its not
>> pr recipient anywhere, in a perfect world there was no spam then
> I've heard it said that IPV6 will put paid to privacy for
> whistle-blowers etc because, with that fully implemented, NAT will
> vanish and all IPs will be unique. By implication they'd be unspoofable,
> though I'm not sure I believe that. However, if that's true it will also
> leave the spammers out in the open.
> Martin

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