On Fri, 2009-02-13 at 17:43 +0000, Martin Gregorie wrote:
> I've heard it said that IPV6 will put paid to privacy for
> whistle-blowers etc because, with that fully implemented, NAT will
> vanish and all IPs will be unique.

Mail servers, of necessity, _do_ use unique IPs, whether v4 or v6.  

>  By implication they'd be unspoofable,
> though I'm not sure I believe that.

If you want to learn more about IPv6, I suggest "IPv6 Essentials" by
Silvia Hagen, pub. by O'Reilly & Assoc.

You can always spoof an IP address of any type.  The only email header
you can trust absolutely is the topmost Received header in an email.
This address can't be spoofed.  If it were, it would have been
technically impossible to send the email.

Lindsay Haisley       | "Everything works    |    Accredited
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