On Fri, 2009-02-13 at 15:24 -0600, Lindsay Haisley wrote:
> Although I appreciate your advice, my question here is not _whether_ I
> should do the integration, but which of the two methods of integrating
> the databases will be most efficient of bandwidth and other resources.

After thinking about it, Kris, I do think you're right about the choice,
although not for the reasons you gave.  spamc must pass an entire copy
of each email over the Internet to spamd on the 2nd box.  If I keep the
SA configurations synchronized between boxes, then the only thing which
needs to be shared across the Internet is Bayes processing, plus several
per-user choices as represented in the userpref table.  This _seems_ on
the face of it more efficient that passing off the entire email traffic,
which would have to transit the Internet connection between the boxes

Lindsay Haisley       | "Everything works    |    Accredited
FMP Computer Services |       if you let it" |      by the
512-259-1190          |    (The Roadie)      |   Austin Better
http://www.fmp.com    |                      |  Business Bureau

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