On Fri, 2009-02-13 at 17:26 -0500, Kris Deugau wrote:
> *nod*  I don't know what kind of data size the Bayes SQL queries run, 
> but it probably averages out somewhere close to a order of magnitude 
> less than the full email.
> I think I misread your original email, and I'm still not sure I 
> understand exactly what your current configuration is, and what you're 
> trying to achieve though.

Currently I have two servers, A and B.  B is the older of the two and
currently hosts _most_ of the mail accounts.  They are functionally
identical boxes.

Currently _both_ are running spamd and _both_ have AWL/Bayes/userpref
database tables on MySQL which are accessed locally and identically by
the spamd instance on each box.

My objective is only to unify the database tables supporting Bayes and
user preferences so that there's only one set of MySQL tables for the
users on both boxes.  Whether this involves the use of two spamd daemons
or one is the question.

Scenario 1:  spamc on box A communicates _over the network_ with spamd
on box B, which uses its _local_ config and Bayes/usrpref database to do
its work.

Scenario 2:  spamc on box A communicates with a _local_ spamd, which
accesses local config files but uses a MySQL connection _over the
network_ to box A to access the Bayes/userpref database.

Sorry if I wasn't entirely clear before.  I hope this clarifies the
choice, which looks at this point as if I'd be better off with #2.

Lindsay Haisley       | "Everything works    |    Accredited
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