> Feel free to mangle it, I'd appreciate a copy of any wider ranging
> working versions though.
Here's what I've been using for quite a while. It was written when there
was a spate of spam punting LiveSpace websites:

header   __MG_LSP1 From =~ /spaces\.live\.com/i
uri      __MG_LSP2 /^http:.{1,40}\.spaces\.live\.com/i

describe MG_LIVESP Contains spaces.live.com URI but not from there.
meta     MG_LIVESP (!__MG_LSP1 && __MG_LSP2)
score    MG_LIVESP 2.5

This works for me since I've never seen anything I'd want to read,
either e-mail or USENET, that contained a LiveSpace URL.


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