Steve Freegard wrote:

For listing both emails and uri's it would be useful if you could add
regular expressions. I'm not sure how you'd serve such an RBL though
without writing your own custom software or modifying an existing dns
server. Eg, it would be nice if you could add entries like this to the rbl:




Yuck; if you want to do stuff using regexp then:

uri RULE_NAME /<regexp>/
score RULE_NAME nn.nnn

Is the best way to do this - not via DNS.

Depends what you're trying to achieve. I thought the objective was a block list of email addresses that could be queried via the DNS by any application... Your suggestion doesn't really capture the requirements.

In this particular example, the list should be used for preventing your users sending emails *to* those addresses. Many organisations rightly or wrongly don't perform spam filtering on their outgoing relays so spamassassin is a bit over the top when you can just use another dns based bl.

Mike Cardwell
( (

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