I have a Debian 5.0 server with postfix, amavis-new, spamassassin and razor.
Amavis implements it's own SA daemon, it does not use spamd. So there's
a third variable in the equation.

So do I need spamassassin at all?

For some reason razor check only runs if I run the following command
spamassassin < /tmp/test.txt
This picks up any recent changes, server-wide and user specific.

But if I receive an e-mail from outside the server, or start the following command
spamc < /tmp/test.txt
razor check do not starts.
spamc uses spamd, which needs to be restarted after server-wide changes.
Anyway, you don't use it but Amavis. Which also needs to be restarted,
after server-wide changes...

I have restarted the whole system after configuring everything.

What can be the problem?
You did not restart Amavis after enabling razor? You did not restart
spamd? Well, you don't use it, so disable it.

Should I disable spamassassin?

You did enable razor in the server-wide config, right? Not per-user

I have enabled razor this way:

I have this lines in my /etc/spamassassin/local.cf
use_razor2 1
razor_config /etc/razor/razor-agent.conf

I also have this line in /etc/spamassassin/v310.pre
loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Razor2

It should be enough according to many HOW-TOs. Or should I enable Razor in some Amavis-new config file? If yes where and how?

Attila Mesterhazy

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