Hi Xela,

I think there has been some misunderstanding:

In an older episode (Sunday, 24. May 2009), Henrik K wrote:
> You should mention that it's pretty Linux centric, atleast code like
> "ps -o pid,cmd --ppid $$ --no-header".. why don't you use perl
> functions?

In an older episode (Sunday, 24. May 2009), Henrik K wrote:
> You seem you think "ps" works the same on every Unix variant.

Henrik is trying to point out that the "ps" command has different syntax 
requirements on different Unix variants. I can only confirm that (I use 
Linux and Solaris at work).

So, the point is that the facileOCR.pm code in it's current state does 
not simply require Perl, SA and ocrad, but *also* Linux. And Henrik 
suggests to make that more clear in the documentation.

Best regards,


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