On 28-May-2009, at 14:57, Michael Scheidell wrote:
why does a company that is so easy to spam through get a -8 point pass?

Because the only way to get a message from twitter is to 1) have an account on twitter 2) have someone who YOU ARE FOLLOWING send a direct message to you 3) have Twitter set to send Direct messages to you via email. No one can send you a direct message unless you follow them, so you have 'opted-in' to receive their messages. If they are spammers, UNFOLLOW them.

Whether you want the message or not, it is not spam. If you don't want these messages, disable the emailing in your twitter account.


New Follower Emails: [ ]  Email when someone starts following me
Direct Text Emails:  [ ]  Email when I receive a new direct message
Email Newsletter: [ ] I want the inside scoop—please send me email updates!

I'm no psychologist (although I play one when I'm picking up chicks
        over by the asylum)

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