> On 28-May-2009, at 14:57, Michael Scheidell wrote:
>> why does a company that is so easy to spam through get a -8 point
>> pass?
> Because the only way to get a message from twitter is to 1) have an
> account on twitter 2) have someone who YOU ARE FOLLOWING send a direct
> message to you 3) have Twitter set to send Direct messages to you via
> email. No one can send you a direct message unless you follow them, so
> you have 'opted-in' to receive their messages. If they are spammers,
> UNFOLLOW them.


I don't follow anyone on twitter.
Went to their web site for the first time last week to look for their
complaint address.

> Whether you want the message or not, it is not spam. If you don't want
> these messages, disable the emailing in your twitter account.

I can't.

I don't have a twitter account.

So, since twitter can send email to someone without a twitter account, its
spam.  Since I can't opt out without an account, its spam.

If twitter allows people to forge email address when you sign up, without
confirmed opt in, its spam.

Since it doesn't include the full physical address of the sender, its also a
violation of federal (you) can-spam laws.

Michael Scheidell, CTO
>|SECNAP Network Security
Finalist 2009 Network Products Guide Hot Companies
FreeBSD SpamAssassin Ports maintainer

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