On Wed, Jul 01, 2009 at 01:31:25PM +0100, Sean Cardus wrote:
> > An re2c bug, presumably? Is anyone having problems without using sa-
> > compile?
> If I removed the compiled rule sets, everything works fine again...

I was just about to report a similar problem when I came across this

I'm using the sought rules, SARE, and updates.spamassassin.org on a 64
bit Debian etch system with the spamassassin 3.2.4 packages from
backports.org.  (I'm the Debian SA maintainer.)  We update our rulesets
nightly using sa-update.  The updates that we pulled in at Mon Jun 29
10:27:30 UTC 2009 introduced periodic segfaults.  I suspect that the
problem is being triggered in the sought rules, as their removal made
the segfaults go away.  Beyond that I haven't narrowed things down any

I have a couple of 32 bit etch systems running an otherwise identical
setup that have not seen any segfaults, though their mail volume is
quite a bit lighter.

We're compiling our rules with re2c 0.9.12, FWIW.


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