On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 6:37 AM, Sean Cardus <scar...@zebrahosts.net> wrote:

> > I've been seeing exactly the same behaviour off and on since Friday
> > last week.  I'd not yet managed to narrow it down to a specific rule or
> > email, but your example triggers it every time on my i386 boxes.
> Here's a copy of an email that I've modified with the extra section which
> I'm able to reproduce the problem with...
> http://pastebin.com/m2bd8546b
> Sean
I am having the same problem, started a few days ago.  I have since disabled
sought rules and my segmentation faults have stopped.  The above pastebin
segfaults for me, and I have other examples if anyone wants them.

I am running CentOS 5.2 x86_64, SA 3.2.5, perl 5.8.8 and re2c 0.13.5.

Besides disabling the rule, is there a real fix for this?


Donald Drake
Drake Consulting

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