Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:
> Is it possible to count recipients with Spamassassin?
> Some of the spam I receive has multiple recipients in To: and/or CC:
> headers, i.e.:
> To:,,
> CC:,,
> I would like to count the number of recipients and assign score
> accordingly.
> For example, when there are 5-10 recipients, assign 1 point; 11
> recipients and more - assign 2 points.
> Is it possible with Spamassassin?


header __COUNT_RCPTS  ToCc =~ /(?:[^@,\...@[^@,\s]+)/
tflags __COUNT_RCPTS multiple

meta RCPTS_5_10 (__COUNT_RCPTS >= 5 && __COUNT_RCPTS <= 10)
score RCPTS_5_10 1.0
describe RCPTS_5_10  Message has 5 to 10 recipients

meta RCPTS_11_PLUS (__COUNT_RCPTS > 10)
score RCPTS_11_PLUS 2.0
describe RCPTS_11_PLUS  Message has 11 or more recipients

That will do exactly as you want.

Personally I prefer this (although it does make the reports a bit more
ugly as each hit will be displayed):

header SCORE_RCPTS ToCc =~ /(?:[^@,\...@[^@,\s]+)/
tflags SCORE_RCPTS multiple
score SCORE_RCPTS 0.2
describe SCORE_RCPTS  Adding score for each recipient

That will add 0.2 to the score for every recipient present in the To or
Cc header which matches your desire to score +1 for 5 recipients and +2
for 10 or more but with no upper bound (so 50 recipients would add +10),
personally I score this at 0.05 to be on the safe side.

Kind regards,

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