On Wed, 2009-08-05 at 12:11 +0200, Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:
> Is it possible to count recipients with Spamassassin?
> Some of the spam I receive has multiple recipients in To: and/or CC: 
> headers, i.e.:
> To: 1...@example.com, 2...@example.com, 3...@example.com
> CC: 1...@example.com, 2...@example.com, 3...@example.com
> I would like to count the number of recipients and assign score accordingly.
> For example, when there are 5-10 recipients, assign 1 point; 11 
> recipients and more - assign 2 points.
> Is it possible with Spamassassin?
Here's the rule(s) I use. They were posted here on the list quite awhile

describe TO_TOO_MANY To: too many recipients
header   TO_TOO_MANY To =~ /(?:,[^,]{1,80}){20}/
score    TO_TOO_MANY 0.3

describe TO_WAY_TOO_MANY To: way too many recipients
header   TO_WAY_TOO_MANY To =~ /(?:,[^,]{1,80}){20}/
score    TO_WAY_TOO_MANY 0.3

describe CC_TOO_MANY CC: too many recipients
header   CC_TOO_MANY CC =~ /(?:,[^,]{1,80}){15}/
score    CC_TOO_MANY 0.3

IIRC you can change the parameters in the 2nd set of {} to whatever
number you decide, ie.. {20} to {10} or whatever.

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