LuKreme wrote:
On 16-Aug-2009, at 16:55, MySQL Student wrote:
So perhaps instead of adding another RBL, maybe some admins need to
consider adding in some HELO checking / rejection.
Can you explain a bit more here? What are you checking for, that the
host is valid?


That gives me a 46% rejection rate just on HELO/EHLO and a 47% rejection rate on unknown users.

I see similar figures and would also recommend using HELO/EHLO restrictions. I see around a third of spam hit HELO/EHLO restrictions, a third hits commonly forged non-existent recipient addresses and a third hits (checks and rejections performed in that order).

Although a dns lookup to probably isn't that expensive, I'm sure they appreciate reducing the load by two thirds by pre-filtering as much obvious spam as possible.

Question - in Postfix do "user unknown" rejections still incur a dns RBL lookup, or does the rejection occur before reject_rbl_client?

Overall only a very small proportion of spam ever reaches SA - typically <1% of rejected mail.

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