> Richard Wrote:
> No. Here is why. When someone posts a Barracuda send-up that 
> is questionable, it will still end up in the archives. It is, 
> therefore, relevant that any counter argument and supporting 
> material be archived with it for balance. My follow ups have 
> been entirely within the context of the post.
> As for the childish remarks about my fortune. I'm sat at home 
> without the need to work, and you are....?
> Perhaps if you are interested in the workings of the 
> Barracuda this may be of interest to you:
> http://www.waraxe.us/ftopict-5340-barracuda.html
> Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with. I have
> *plenty* of time and energy ;-)


thank you.

i mentioned make "another" fortune so it was *not* a jab.

it just tells me you really dont read (and more) what you reply to.

to answer your question, "i am a nobody on the SA list that is trying to
learn & apply and grow in a productive manner"

since you brought up the term childish and called my remarks so, well quite
frankly i wrote that post (as kind as i could) because realistically imho
you are about the most childish person i have ever seen on a list in close
to 20 years on the net.

what is your problem?

fix it and move on.

or, if you are going to continue to beat that dead horse, then quit holding
back and beat that dead horse man. 

get it?

seriously, beat that horse or shut up about it already.

maybe someone else will get sick of it besides the list chastening you took

a lot of good that did.


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