been following Warren Togami's aggressive lobbying for adding RBLs to SA's defaults, and I have some questions:

- is it wise to add yet even more lookups to BLs and slow down SA's already huge amount of DNS lookups.

- is the BL in question (which ever it may be) prepared for sustaining the global traffic load of millions of default SA setups.

- does the BL have a track record, wide acceptance, safety and reliability to become a standard in SA?

- shouldn't SA be conservative and deliver *safe* default setups allowing the end user/admin/whatever decide how far he/she wants to hog his setup with by querying yet more BLs.

- With all respect for Mark and his efforts: there is a track of one man operated BLs being DDOS'd to oblivion, operators disappearing, etc.
Should this be weighted as well?

I believe these points should have more weight than arguing about trivial naming or BL colours....


have a good day...

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