Mariusz Kruk wrote:

> But yes, some other RBL's have also unclear rules - I admit.
> Yet, the delisting is kinda different isn't it?

Yes, but that has not been a problem for me so far.  As far as I can
tell, the automatic process also works very well. 

>> - which is why I don't block with UCEPROTECT.
> Yep, me neither, but I had some cases of dimwitted admins setting up
> UCEPROTECT RBL so I couldn't even contact the postmaster! 

Yeah, there is no shortage of poorly configured mailservers - missing
rDNS, no postmaster/abuse address, poor HELOs, even illegal
IP-addresses on the internal networks.  It's a sad state of affairs.  

> (the whole /14 range my server is in is listed in level-2 - that's
> ridiculous). 

Now I understand your problem - I have 15 IP-addresses from that network
on my internal list generated from spamtraps. The last one only three
hours ago. 

/Per Jessen, Zürich

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