Bob O'Brien wrote:
> But I have to say (and this is just my personal opinion) that all the
> people shouting "conspiracy!" (even if joking about it) may have done
> irreparable harm to the potential for corporations (not just Barracuda)
> supporting this community in the future.


Someone I have great respect for has vouched to me (off-list) that he
has inside personal knowledge of and that he knows for 100%
positive that this is well run, very ethically run, and NOT pay-for-play
(or something like that--still trying to figure that last one out a
bit). Nevertheless, given this person's confidential assessment, I am
now convinced that there are honest and altruistic intentions behind and I'm convinced that those running it must be highly
ethical and competent. (I'm still distrustful of the _quality_ of ANY
whitelist which involves payment even if the intentions are honorable,
but that is just my personal taste.)

However, Bob... regarding your comment above, you have your own self (&
associates) to blame. The things that have made people suspicious were
real and noteworthy and did NOT take a nutcase to jump to harsh
conclusions. Then, when these things were pointed out across several
threads spanning many, many months--it was at first like pulling teeth
to get answers. Finally, the answers that did eventually come forth were
initially somewhat cryptic and evasive, which only pored gasoline on the
fire, imo.

If it were not for that off-list vote of confidence from someone I
greatly trust, I'd still have lingering and suspicious questions. (or
maybe not since I starting to fatigue on this subject.)

Rob McEwen
+1 (478) 475-9032

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