On 19/12/2009 11:23 AM, R-Elists wrote:
> i would encourage other SA team members to have a wish list and publish.

A number of committers have have added Amazon wishlists to the CREDITS
file included with the distribution.  The most up-to-date version is
available on our website [1] by clicking CREDITS [2] right off the top
of the home page.  Some of the newer committers have not yet added a

> ummm i am confused though... there are projects out there like CentOS that
> are dealing with things and cannot accept
> donations right now that would go towards the project or team salaries...

I think CentOS is accepting hardware and stuff like that.  It's cash
that they're currently not accepting, I believe, probably due to tax
concerns (but I speculate).

> since SA is part of Apache Foundation, do you get paid or can you get paid
> or how does this all work?

The only staff paid by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) is 1 (or
maybe 2 now) full time network administrator(s).  Everyone else,
including committers, PMC members, PMC chairs/Apache VPs (me), members
(Justin, Theo, me, etc) and board members/VP/President, etc are not paid.

AFAIK our "in-house" lawyer and even the "main PR person" volunteer
their time.

Many committers/etc that do stuff for the ASF work for companies that
pay them to work on ASF software projects as a part of (or their entire)
 their job.  As far as I know there is no-one involved with SpamAssassin
right now that gets paid for their work.  Except for perhaps, Warren
Togami who I believe is employed by RedHat.  I think even Warren donates
a good bit of his own time though.

The ASF gets revenue to pay the network administrator(s), for hardware,
network infra, etc, solely from sponsorship.  Info on that is here. [3]

> as awesome as SA is, i often wonder why the SA team isnt salaried or
> something to that effect.

It's hard to find people willing to pay for what they can get free.  The
best a lot of open source contributors get is consulting work for custom
integrations or what not.

> do i need to read the apache foundation docs somewhere?

You're of course more than welcome to.  Perhaps the best place to start
is here [4] and here [5].

[1] http://spamassassin.apache.org/
[2] http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/spamassassin/trunk/CREDITS
[3] http://www.apache.org/foundation/sponsorship.html
[4] http://www.apache.org/foundation/
[5] http://www.apache.org/foundation/how-it-works.html



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