On 02/13, mouss wrote:
> dar...@chaosreigns.com a écrit :
> did you take a look at CSA
> http://mipassoc.org/csv/draft-ietf-marid-csv-csa-02.txt

I had not, thanks.

Looks like it ties the helo domain to the delivering IP, breaking (broken)
forwarding just like SPF?

> Anyway, such approaches are only helpful if widely adopted. otherwise,
> the overhead is not worth the pain.

I disagree.  But I think you have probably already read my reasons.

> At this time, just register your IP in DNSWL.

I have provided a server since 2007, and been an admin longer.  And wrote
some stuff.  I have assigned a minor penalty to emails not matching DNSWL
for years.  A significant part of my motivation for creating MTX is the
difficulty of maintaining that list.  MTX is very much inspired by DNSWL
- it's the same, except the domain that hosts the records (and omitting
the host "category" in the third octet).  SPF and DNSWL were the two
things in my head at the time that MTX occurred to me.  The bottom of
my MTX page credits them.  http://www.chaosreigns.com/mtx/background/
goes into detail.

"I'd rather be happy than right any day."
- Slartiblartfast, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

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