On Wed, 2010-04-07 at 11:38 +0100, Ned Slider wrote:
> Alex wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Last October Marc posted the following URL that compared the various RBLs:
> > 
> >> http://www.sdsc.edu/~jeff/spam/cbc.html
> > 
> > It seems barracuda is still leading, but is that also everyone's
> > experience? Can anyone provide details on how Jeff computed this
> > information and is it as cut-and-dried as this makes it seem? IOW,
> > barracuda, the free service, is "better" than all the rest...
> > 
> As others have noted, FPs are not taken into account so one must 
> consider that.
> Last year when the barracuda config was first posted to this list, I 
> implemented it on my personal mail server with a very high score so as 
> to trigger automatic quarantines for all mail hitting the list, and have 
> since checked all hits by hand. I currently use zen.spamhaus at the smtp 
> stage to reject spam, so hits against barracuda only comprise of those 
> that are "missed" by zen. I was particularly interested in FPs.
> During the last year I don't think I've seen a single FP hit against 
> barracuda :surprised: That said, I still haven't found the confidence to 
> implement it at the smtp stage for outright rejection but the numbers 
> I'm seeing do tend towards telling me the list is of generally high quality.
In reality I make use of Barracuda first at SMTP time, Spamhaus after
and have done so since 2008. I've never seen a FP from Barracuda in that

I'm no fan of Barracuda - and that is widely documented. However, they
are a legal, professional business that is accountable. Spamhaus, on the
other hand, are not. Whilst their efforts in blocklisting are laudable
and noted, they appear to operate in a somewhat underground manner
without any proper base or contact details - not unlike gypsies.

Until they become fully legitimate and accountable their business
credibility will remain in question. With Barracuda, yes, you know they
are selling GPL code, you know that one of them is a former spammer, you
know about 'emailreg'. They make no secret of it. You don't, however,
know about just who is pulling the strings at Spamhaus. On several
occasions in the past I have received obvious and clear spam from the
likes of IHM in Nottingham, B2B deals, and uncounted attacks from
Emailvision in France all of which pass through Spamhaus and have you
saying 'Why is this?'

I have found (and I fully expect another round) that if you bad mouth or
question Spamhaus you are subjected to abuse, port scans, publication of
personal data in news groups and the like.

As far as the Barracuda list is concerned, I have total confidence in
it, and the company that operates it. Given the number of anti-spam
appliances they have in the field doing a very good job with it I would
say 'have confidence in it'.


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