> Having full rDNS isn't the issue.
> What probably happened was something like this:
> 1) your ISP reported their dynamic addresses to SORBS, or 
> SORBS inferred them via various means.
> 2) SORBS listed those addresses in DUL
> 3) Your ISP ran low on static addresses, and allocated to you 
> one of the addresses that was formerly a dynamic address.
> 4) Your ISP did NOT inform SORBS of the change, or SORBS 
> mechanisms for inferrence didn't pick up the change (or they 
> don't bother to try to detect such changes)
> 5) You're in the DUL even though you think you shouldn't be, 
> because you're on a static IP.
> What you need to do is force #4 to get fixed.
> rDNS is a helpful part of the bigger picture, but has nothing 
> to do with the above 5 steps/events.


good info

thing is, let the isp deal with it all, it isnt nigels problem, he isnt the


switch to different "clean" ip space with your isp and be done with it in 5

you are the client, get your fix and move on

 - rh

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