On Tue, 4 Jan 2011 09:53:05 -0500
"Mike Gibson" <mi...@seltel.com> wrote:

> I have recently inherited a web server with roughly 50 clients.  Last
> week I started getting complaints about excessive amounts of junk
> mail being delivered.  

spamassassin should be the last line of defence, you should be using
blocklists and, if possible, greylisting.

>I upgraded my SpamAssassin Rules, Clam AV,
> MailScanner, and SpamAssassin Engine (3.2.5 à 3.3.1), in that order.

You should run sa-update *after* updating spamassassin. 3.3.1 doesn't
come with any rules at all and 3.2.5 rules wont be used.

> My first question is, how can I verify that I installed SpamAssassin
> correctly and that it is scanning and marking messages properly.

It should show up in the mail logs,  you can also send a test message.


>  The  server shows the service as running, but this is all I have
> found so far to indicate whether it is working or not.

MailScanner  uses SpamAssassin as a perl library, so you don't need
spamd if that's what you meant by service.

> Lastly, I have to manually start the service from the console each
> time the server is rebooted.  It used to start automatically, and
> allowed me to restart the service from the Web GUI if needed.  How
> can I get it to start automatically again? 

Search on red hat init.d 

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