On 19/01/11 15:02, David F. Skoll wrote:
On Wed, 19 Jan 2011 09:56:47 -0500
Lee Dilkie<l...@dilkie.com>  wrote:

The second was that I've found that the other spam-catching filtering
is doing a much better job than it was years ago and turning off
greylisting didn't adversely affect the amount of spam that got

That's possibly true, but look at this.

A greylisted message: mimedefang[17175]: p0I4xvRE017628: Filter time is 85ms
A scanned message:    mimedefang[17175]: p0I50ACP017683: Filter time is 906ms

On a busy system, this can make a huge difference.  SpamAssassin scanning
is by no means cheap.

I know this thread is a bit old now; but at the time this was being discussed I was running a test as I decided to revisit greylisting and see if it was worth keeping in our products.

I found the results very interesting (to me at least), so I decided to write a whitepaper and share my results:

See http://www.fsl.com/index.php/resources/whitepapers/99

Kind regards,

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