If this sort of thing bothers you then simply use a unique or close to
unique username and then put a filter in your e-mail client.

send mail from:


and your guaranteed that anyone mailing you with "markymarkthefunkydude"
in any part of their sending e-mail address is a spammer, and it should
be child's play to create a filter in even Outlook that will delete
those messages.


On 3/22/2011 1:16 PM, Mark Chaney wrote:
Ever notice that a lot of spam seems to have your username in their from
address? Such as an email sent TO b...@domain.com is FROM
blah...@anotherdomain.com (notice 'blah' included in the from address).
This appears to be the case with a large a majority of the spam that
gets through my filters. Any ideas how to handle this? Would be nice to
be able to add a score for matches like that.


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