> From: Kelson Vibber [mailto:k...@tollfreeforwarding.com] 
> ...omissis...
> If so, would you recommend:
> 1. Sticking with SA's Bayesian filter?
> 2. Running SpamAssassin without Bayes, then James' BayesianAnalysis
> mailet?
> 3. Running James's BayesianAnalysis mailet first, then SpamAssassin
> without Bayes?

This is interesting: I looked at James some years ago for a project of mine,
but it looked yet a bit immature for production to me. Things are surely
evolved then.

I don't have any direct experience with it, so I can only guess a good
interaction between it and SA.

That said, I would suggest to not decouple bayes from SA, since I wouldn't
see any advantage in this approach and you would rather miss the a bayes
score from the SA totals. You would end having more FPs due to the bayesian
mailer running apart and needing special score thresholds in SA.

I would also suggest to avoid using amavisd and the like to run SA tests:
that application supplies some message routing schemes which are really
useful with "simple" mail exchangers, but that may complicate things a lot
with a mailet-based design. I would suggest to use spamd instead.

Also, to complete the system, I recall there were some AV-mailets at the
age. If possible use them before SA to catch message carrying viruses.

> In case it makes a difference, we're running James 2.3 with
> the SpamAssassin mailet backported from 3.0, and we'll be
> using a sitewide database (at least to begin with).
> Thanks in advance,
> Kelson Vibber
> TollFreeForwarding.com, Development

Good luck,


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