I created the following rule:
header __PORN_RULE01 SUBJECT =~ /Re.(sexy|blonde).*(messy|wants|fuck|cuntzn)/i
header    __PORN_RULE02   SUBJECT =~ /S.C.H..O.O.L..G.I..R.L.P..0..R.N/I
meta   PORN_RULES (__PORN_RULE01 + __PORN_RULE02 >=1)
score  PORN:_RULES 5.0

But emails are still getting in, any comment on what I need to fix on the rule? or if someone has a better rule to stop this that wants to share the rule, it will be appreciated.

Your score line has a : in it might be the issue.

A good start is to save an example email in mbox format and run this on the command-line:

spamassassin -t -D < /tmp/example.mbox 2>&1 | grep PORN

and see what it says.


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