>>>>  rpm -e --nodeps perl-IO-Socket-INET6

>>>  By the way, is there a way to grep for the errant code?  My
>>>  feeble attempt didn't turn up much:
>>  as in one of  my previous emails:
>>  'locate IO-Socket-INET6'

Sorry I missed that!

This gives only docs:


> locate INET6


Using the find command from below (for fedora since
this is CentOS) I get


This locates that package, but correct me if I'm wrong, I
don't think it finds the OTHER package that is creating
the duplicate subroutine definition for AF_INET6.

> and/or:
> (here was previous email)
> or, you could just delete (manually) IO-Socket-INET6 (make a backup first!)
> on freebsd (with perl 5.10.1):
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/man/man3/IO::Socket::INET6.3.gz
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.1/IO/Socket/INET6.pm
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.1/mach/auto/IO/Socket/INET6
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.1/mach/auto/IO/Socket/INET6/.packlist
> on fedora, try:
> find /usr/lib/ -name 'INET6*'
> (back them up)  you should see them as above.  but, yum won't know they are 
> gone.
> might be in /usr/lib/perl5/{version}
> and /usr/lib/perl5{version}|vendor}
> ask on linux users group how to get yum to rm a dependency without the 
> package.
> on freebsd, it would be something like 'pkg_delete -f 
> p5-IO-SOCKET-INET6'  (the -f to force it to be removed)
> and, pkgdb -F (to FIX the package database and remove the dependency link)

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