>>>   used 'it' for YEARS in production, (commercial product,) 

>>> several 
>>>   platforms, i386, amd64, FreeBSD versions 6.4-7.4.
>>>   ONE DAY, ONE BRAND NEW CLIENT was having real problems with their 
>>> mailq.  email was backing up.
>>>   Two days to figure it out, I deleted the INET6 module (on freebsd, its a 
>>>   lot easier, I suppose than on your linux thing).
>>>   Now, all the email flowed perfectly.  SA was trying to do ipv6 
>>> lookups, the 
>>>   kernel did NOT have ipv6 compiled in.. NONE OF OUR PRODUCTION SYSTEMS 
>>>   DO, and there is no logical explanation for it.
>>>   SA does NOT need INET6, unless you have two things:
>>>   #0, INET6 compiled into your kernel
>>>   #1, INET6 dns server as the first server in /etc/resolv.conf
>>>   #2, INET6 firewall, routing, mx records, etc.
>>  Strong argument for removing it I guess, I think with:
>>  rpm -e --nodeps perl-IO-Socket-INET6
> By the way, is there a way to grep for the errant code?  My
> feeble attempt didn't turn up much:
> cd /usr/lib/perl5
> grep -rin 'af_inet6' *
> Only gave 40 lines, which I could post if it would help.
> This only gave one result:
> grep -rin 'sub af_inet6' *
> 5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi/bits/socket.ph:66:    eval 'sub AF_INET6 () { 
> &PF_INET6;}' unless defined(&AF_INET6);
> Is it pointless to try to diagnose in this manner?

After some help on the CentOS list, I may have found the problem:

> perl-NetAddr-IP-4.044-1.el5.rf  <=== I think that is the problem package
> I don't know if that version is required by the repoforge packages ... but
> base contains perl-NetAddr-IP-4.027-5.el5_6
> I would see if I could replace perl-NetAddr-IP-4.044-1.el5.rf from repoforge
> with perl-NetAddr-IP-4.027-5.el5_6 from base.

rpm -e --nodeps perl-NetAddr-IP

vi /etc/yum.repos.d/rpmforge.repo
     -- change all enabled = 1 to enabled = 0 temporarily (seems like
        yum priorities is going to be a good idea) --

yum install perl-NetAddr-IP

/etc/init.d/spamassassin condrestart
Stopping spamd: [  OK  ]
Starting spamd: [  OK  ]

That seems to have done it.  Does that make sense?  Should
I report this to the RepoForge people?

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